Welcome to today’s’ PEP Talk – 30-Day Acts of Kindness Challenge – Loving Kindness Meditation

This is a mid-month reminder about the 30-Day Acts of Kindness Challenge for the month of July.  I also provide a resource, a loving kindness meditation, to assist you in connecting with your inner love warrior. Pairing these two behaviors (the Acts of Kindness Challenge and practicing the loving kindness meditation) could result in a profound sense of inner peace while also positively impacting the individuals around you.

Please forward this email to others and/or send the link to the podcast. I want us to work together to create a movement of kindness.  I want people talking about how they are noticing a change in the world – a positive change where people are kinder and more loving.

Kindness truly is infectious – let’s infect the world with love!

Below is the link to the article I referenced during this podcast as well as two scripts for the Loving Kindness Meditation:

Article by Madhuleena Roy Chowdhury

Scripts for Loving Kindness Meditation:

May I be happy
May I be safe
May I be healthy
May I live with ease

May you be happy
May you be safe
May you be healthy
May you live with ease

Please take a few minutes to listen to today’s PEP Talk – 30-Day Acts of Kindness Challenge – Loving-Kindness Meditation, and I encourage you to do one thing today purposefully to attain true PEP for life.

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